この件、わりと細かく追っていますが、2月のエントリで紹介したW3C Annotation Working Groupの憲章案がW3Cの諮問委員会(Advisory Committee)のレビューの段階に入ったようです。このままうまく進めば9月にW3C Annotation Working Group立ち上げとなるようです。
- Abstract Data Model: An abstract data model for annotations
- Vocabulary: A precise vocabulary describing/defining the data model
- Serializations: one or more serialization formats of the abstract data model, such as JSON/JSON-LD or HTML
- HTTP API: An API specification to create, edit, access, search, manage, and otherwise manipulate annotations through HTTP
- Client-side API: A script interface and events to ease the creation of annotation systems in a browser, a reading system, or a JavaScript plugin
- Robust Link Anchoring: One or more mechanisms to determine a selected range of text or portion of media that may serve as a target for an annotation within, in a predictable and interoperable manner, with allowance for some degree of document changes; these mechanisms must work in HTML5, and must provide an extension point for additional media types and formats
※2014/97/16 追記
- Annotation Abstract Data Model. W3C Recommendation.
- Vocabulary for the Annotation Abstract Data Model. W3C Recommendation.
- Serializations of the Annotation Abstract Data Model. W3C Recommendation.
- HTTP API for Annotations. W3C Recommendation.
- Client-Side API for Annotations.W3C Recommendation.
- Robust Link Anchoring. W3C Recommendation.
Ivan Herman氏がこの4月に行われたI Annotate 2014でW3C Annotation Working Groupの今後について紹介しています。
W3C Annotation Working Group and Charter Progress ~ Ivan Herman @ I Annotate 2014
W3C Annotation Working Group立ち上げの動きについて
- W3C Annotation Working Groupの憲章案が公開されている(2014年2月6日)
- Open AnnotationのWorking GroupがいよいよW3C内に立ち上げられることになりそうです(2014年1月9日)
- Open Annotation Data ModelがついにW3C勧告ルートにのるか?(2013年11月24日)